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Aperture (Depth of field) And ISO Photos

Star The Pumpkin (Aperture)

This is a photo of Star The Pumpkin. This photo is successful because the pumpkin stands out among the blurred out background. I took this photo because I thought it was really unique on how the light shines on the pumpkin as if it was a spotlight.

Star The Pumpkin 2 (Aperture)

I had taken this photo because I thought it was a great perspective and close up on Star The Pumpkin. It really shows the detail of the pumpkin and the area the pumpkin is in. This is a successful background because of how the blurred out background makes the pumpkin stand out in the picture.

Cappuccino Cafe Sticker (ISO 1600)

This photo is taken of a café sticker in my photography class. This photo was taken to see the difference between ISO 100, 400 and 1600.